hand the team of trainers at Paul Co invest a great deal of empathy and commitment in the training concept Onboarding at Paul Co begins long before the official start of training G del Rio Romero To create trust and to allow young people to get a personal impression of Paul Co the future trainees and their parents are invited to a kick off event at the company The joint icebreaker weekend as well has become a ritual with a fixed spot in the calendar before training starts At Paul Co the three year training period itself is cleverly structured Each third of the training period has a special focus In the first year of the traineeship we offer the trainees in house instruction During the 2nd year of their traineeship they go on excursions to the other locations to get an overall impression of the company The indus trial clerks are now also provided with English lessons to reflect the internationality of our business The 3rd year of the traineeship is dedicated to preparing for the final exam The training team is always on hand to support the trainees enabling apprentices to become excellent skilled workers at Paul Co In its training activities Paul Co once again proves that it is a family business We look to tomorrow together and seek to put the wind at the backs of the next generation In the end it is precisely personal nurturing such as this that makes us a top notch vocational training company PAUL CO OFFERS TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS Technologist packaging materials Machine and System Operator Industrial Mechanic Mechatronics Technician Specialist for Warehouse Logistics Industrial Clerk Qualified IT Specialist for System Integration Cooperative study concept degree programme International Business with a focus on Intercultural Management Lukas Beinhauer 2nd from the left Niklas Beck and Linus Zimmermann were recognised for their outstanding academic achievements Trainer Franz Karner left and Paul Co Human Resources Manager Gerardo del Rio Romero right congratulated them on their remarkable final grades 75

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